Metaphysics, Philosophy of Probability, Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Language, General Philosophy of Science.
Areas of Competence
Philosophical Logic, Epistemology, Early Modern Philosophy (particularly Descartes, Cavendish, and Hume), Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Economics.
‘Relativity and the A-theory’, pp. 86–98 in Eleanor Knox and Alastair Wilson, eds., The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Physics, Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315623818-11
‘Probability and Randomness’, pp. 440–59 in Alan Hájek and Christopher Hitchcock, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Probability and Philosophy, Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199607617.013.22
‘Chance versus Randomness’, in Edward N Zalta (ed.) Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (major revision 2012). [SEP]
‘Perdurance and Location’, pp. 53–94 in Dean W. Zimmerman, ed., Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, volume 5, Oxford University Press.
‘Duration in Relativistic Spacetime’, pp. 113–7 in Dean W. Zimmerman, ed., Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, volume 5, Oxford University Press.
‘Causal Structuralism, Dispositional Actualism, and Counterfactual Conditionals’, pp. 65–99 in Toby Handfield, ed., Dispositions & Causes, Oxford University Press.
‘Pragmatic Causation’, pp. 156–90 in Huw Price and Richard Corry, eds., Causation, Physics and the Constitution of Reality: Russell’s Republic Revisited, Oxford University Press.
‘John Hawthorne, Knowledge and Lotteries’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy83: 451–2. doi:10.1080/00048400500192022
forall\(x\) Adelaide, ‘with’ P D Magnus and Tim Button. Free, open source textbook for introductory logic. Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license. [GitHub]
not ongoing
Elements of Deductive Logic, free, open source textbook for introductory-intermediate logic course. Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 license. [GitHub]
‘Philosophy and Probability’, Exeter College Association Register: 55–58. [link]
Prior to this, talks at: AAP† (multiple), Aberdeen, About Aboutness (Melbourne), ANU (multiple), Australian Metaphysics Conference† (multiple), Aristotelian Society, Arizona Ontology Conference, Auckland, Barcelona, Bristol, British Society for the Philosophy of Science, BSPS conference† (Sussex), Cambridge (Serious Metaphysics Group), Canterbury (NZ), Carolina Metaphysics Workshop, Causal Republicanism† (Centre for Time, Sydney), CRNAP Modality workship (Princeton), Determinism (ANU), FAU-Erlangen, Fictionalism (Manchester), From Here to Eternity: Temporal Experience and Transformation (Centre for Time, Sydney), Université de Genève, Hume’s Metaphysics and Humean Metaphysics (University of Tampere), IAPT 5 (Seoul), IAPT 6 (Boulder, CO), La Trobe, Leeds, Leeds HPS, LEM forum (Institute of Philosophy, London), Levels of Causation workshop (IHPST, Paris), London Logic & Metaphysics forum, LSE (Sigma Club), McGill, Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy (LMU-München), Melbourne, Metaphysics of Science¶ (Nottingham), Metaphysics of Science (Melbourne), Monash (twice), Nature of Indeterminacy workshop (Leeds), Notre Dame, Nottingham (thrice), NYU, NZAP† (multiple), Otago, Oxford, Oxford (Philosophy of Physics, twice), Paris Diderot (PhilMath Seminar), PERSP Space & Time Workshop on the Open Future (Barcelona), Philosophy and Probability International Summer School† (Konstanz), Philosophy of Probability Graduate Conference III¶ (LSE), Reading, Structural Realism Meets Structural Representation (Sydney), Sydney Winter School on Physics and Philosophy of Time 2017, Time, Agency and Causation (Centre for Time, Sydney), Time and Emergence (UWA), Time Symmetry (Centre for Time, Sydney), Time Travel and Probability (Centre for Time, Sydney), UIC, UMass Amherst, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Université de Neuchâtel, VUW, Williams College.
Seungil Lee, Restricted Material Composition, Oxford, BPhil.
Harjit Bhogal, Laws and Modelling in Economics, Oxford, BPhil.
Luke Fenton-Glynn, Causation and Causal Explanation, Oxford, BPhil.
John Poland, Dispositions and Laws of Nature, Oxford, BPhil.
Honours/Undergraduate Theses
Aaron Baseley, Inferentialism and Harmony, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
Tom Filsell, Essay on Temporal Ontology and Becoming, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
Samuel Parsons, The Ontology of Social Entities: A Set-Theoretic and Mereological Approach, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
Hamish Tynan, On Truth and Consequence, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
Jeffrey Nicholls, The Universe Conceived as Divine Mind, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
James Vlachoulis, An Investigation into the Consequences that Arguments in the Philosophy of Memory have for Debates within the Metaphysics of Time, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
Trevor Smith, Light Signals and Preferred Foliations: Presentism and the Relativistic Objections, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
Julia Mak, Fine’s Standard Realism as an A-Theory, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
Astrid Lane, Negative Causal Claims, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
Charlotte Lawrence, Structural Realism – a middle way?, Oxford, MPhysPhil.
Matthew Hodgetts, Mereological Nihlism, Oxford, BA.
Foundations of Modern Philosophy (2019; 2017; 2015 [with Jordi Fernández]; 2013 [with Greg O’Hair]).
Introduction to Logic (2018; 2017 [with Jon Opie]).
Logic II (2014).
Logic, Truth, and Reason: the Ways of Paradox (2019; 2015; 2013).
Research (MPhil/honours) seminars:
Probability and Inductive Logic (2021).
On the Plurality of Worlds (2020).
Formal Methods in Philosophy and Related Disciplines (2017).
Unsettledness: Time, Possibility, and Indeterminacy (2015).
The Nature of Space (2014).
Philosophy of Probability (2013).
University of Oxford
Undergraduate lectures: (a) Elements of Deductive Logic (H 2009, H 2010); (b) Philosophy of Probability (M 2008); (c) General Philosophy (H 2007 [with Ben Morison and Oliver Pooley]); (d) Probability and Induction (H 2005).
Graduate seminars: (a) Philosophy of Science (BPhil class, H 2012, H 2011, H 2010 [with Simon Saunders]); (b) Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge (BPhil class, M 2007 [with Ofra Magidor]; M 2006; H 2006); (c) Philosophy of Probability (M 2012, T 2009); (d) Fictionalism (H 2008); (e) Causation and Explanation (M 2005); (f) Philosophy of Probability (Reading group, M 2009 [with Anna Mahtani]); (g) Faculty member, MLE Seminar (T 2009).
BPhil supervisions: Metaphysics, Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy of Science.
Lectures in Philosophy of Science component of Masters in Public Policy, Oxford Blavatnik School of Government (H 2013).
Exeter College
Undergraduate tutorial courses (all multiple terms): (a) History of Philosophy from Descartes to Kant; (b) Knowledge and Reality; (c) Philosophy of Science; (d) Philosophy of Logic and Language; (e) Formal Logic; (f) Intermediate Philosophy of Physics; (g) Philosophy of Mathematics; (h) Introduction to Logic/Elements of Deductive Logic; (i) General Philosophy.
Undergraduate thesis/extended essay supervision: 5 past students.
Princeton University
Tutorials in Philosophy of Physics: Quantum Mechanics (S 2001) and Introduction to Metaphysics and Epistemology (F 2000).
University of Melbourne
Tutorials for Introduction to Formal Logic and Logic and Rationality (Semester 1, 1999).
Journals: Analysis; Australasian Journal of Philosophy; Biology and Philosophy; British Journal for the Philosophy of Science; dialectica; Ergo; Erkenntnis; European Journal for Philosophy of Science; International Studies in Philosophy of Science; Journal of the American Philosophical Association; Journal for General Philosophy of Science; Journal of Philosophy; Mind; Monist; Noûs; Philosophical Papers; Pacific Philosophical Quarterly; Philosophical Quarterly; Philosophia Mathematica; Philosophical Review; Philosophical Studies; Philosophy Compass; Philosophy and Phenomenological Research; Philosophy of Science; Ratio; Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics; Synthese; Theoria; Thought
Publons profile:
Books: Oxford University Press, Harvard University Press, Cambridge University Press, Acumen, Palgrave (Macmillan), Bloomsbury, Routledge.