Antony Eagle

Curriculum Vitæ

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Contact Details

Department of Philosophy, School of Humanities
University of Adelaide
Tarndanya/Kaurna Yarta
SA 5005, Australia
they/their/etc. or he/his/etc.

Academic Positions

University of Adelaide, Associate Professor of Philosophy (2021–25), Senior Lecturer in Philosophy (2013–20).
University of Oxford, University (CUF) Lecturer in Philosophy.
Exeter College, Oxford, William Kneale Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy.
Tenured (‘Reappointed to retirement age’), 2009.

Notable Grants, Fellowships, Awards, and Visiting Appointments

Visiting scholar, Department of Philosophy, UC Davis, Spring Quarter.
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics Prize for Excellence in Supervision.
Australian Research Council Discovery Project, Everything in its Place: Location, Persistence, and Change, Chief Investigator (Partner Investigators: Cody Gilmore and Shieva Kleinschmidt), $224,672.
Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for Experienced Researchers, €22,780.
Visiting Fellow, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
Visiting scholar, Department of Philosophy, Monash University, .
Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) Research Leave Scheme: Counterfactuals, Chance and Ability, grant ID No: AH/E003184/1, £23,445.
MA (by resolution), University of Oxford.
Mrs Giles Whiting Foundation Honorific Fellowship in the Humanities.


PhD, Philosophy, Princeton University.
On Some Scientific Modalities, supervisor: Bas C van Fraassen.
MA, Philosophy of Science, Princeton University.
BA (Hons), Philosophy, University of Melbourne.

Research and Teaching Interests

Areas of Specialisation
Metaphysics, Philosophy of Probability, Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Language, General Philosophy of Science.
Areas of Competence
Philosophical Logic, Epistemology, Early Modern Philosophy (particularly Descartes, Cavendish, and Hume), Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Economics.



Probability and Inductive Logic, Cambridge Elements in Philosophy and Logic, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9781009210195. doi:10.1017/9781009210171

Edited Book

(ed.) Philosophy of Probability: Contemporary Readings, Routledge, ISBN 9780415483872.

Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)

‘How much did each of the authors of this paper causally contribute to its writing?’, with Sam Baron, Helen Beebee, David Braddon-Mitchell, and Kristie Miller, Philosophers’ Imprint. doi:10.3998/phimp.6191
‘Weak Location’, dialectica 73 (1-2): 149–81. doi:10.1111/1746-8361.12264
‘Chance, Determinism, and Unsettledness’, Philosophical Studies 176 (3): 781–802. doi:10.1007/s11098-018-1039-1
‘Persistence, Vagueness, and Location’, Journal of Philosophy 113 (10): 507–32. doi:10.5840/jphil20161131035
‘Multiple Location Defended’, Philosophical Studies 173 (8): 2215–31. doi:10.1007/s11098-015-0605-z
‘Deterministic Chance’, Noûs 45 (2): 269–99. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0068.2010.00771.x
‘Mathematics and Conceptual Analysis’, Synthese 161 (1): 67–88. doi:10.1007/s11229-006-9151-8
‘Telling Tales’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 107 (2): 125–47. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9264.2007.00215.x
‘Reply to Stone on Counterpart Theory and Four-Dimensionalism’, Analysis 67 (2): 159-62. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8284.2007.00667.x
‘Randomness is Unpredictability’, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 56 (4): 749–90. doi:10.1093/bjps/axi138
‘A Note on Dolby and Gull on Radar Time and the Twin “Paradox”’, American Journal of Physics 73 (10): 976–979. doi:10.1119/1.1994855 [arXiv].
‘Twenty-One Arguments against Propensity Analyses of Probability’, Erkenntnis 60 (3): 371–416. doi:10.1023/B:ERKE.0000023408.61887.6a

Book Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)

‘Persistence’ in Nina Emery, ed., The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Time, Routledge.
‘Causal Fictionalism’, pp. 201–40 in Yafeng Shan, ed., Alternative Approaches to Causation: Beyond Difference-making and Mechanism, Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780192863485.003.0009
‘Relativity and the A-theory’, pp. 86–98 in Eleanor Knox and Alastair Wilson, eds., The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Physics, Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315623818-11
‘Probability’, pp. 417–39 in Paul Humphreys, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Science, Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199368815.013.24
‘Probability and Randomness’, pp. 440–59 in Alan Hájek and Christopher Hitchcock, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Probability and Philosophy, Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199607617.013.22
‘Is the Past a Matter of Chance?’, pp. 126–58 in Alastair Wilson, ed., Chance and Temporal Asymmetry, Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199673421.003.0007
‘Chance versus Randomness’, in Edward N Zalta (ed.) Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (major revision 2012). [SEP]
‘Perdurance and Location’, pp. 53–94 in Dean W. Zimmerman, ed., Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, volume 5, Oxford University Press.
‘Duration in Relativistic Spacetime’, pp. 113–7 in Dean W. Zimmerman, ed., Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, volume 5, Oxford University Press.
‘Causal Structuralism, Dispositional Actualism, and Counterfactual Conditionals’, pp. 65–99 in Toby Handfield, ed., Dispositions & Causes, Oxford University Press.
‘Pragmatic Causation’, pp. 156–90 in Huw Price and Richard Corry, eds., Causation, Physics and the Constitution of Reality: Russell’s Republic Revisited, Oxford University Press.

Essay Reviews

‘Yuri Balashov, Persistence and Spacetime’, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2011.09.24. [NDPR]
‘A Causal Theory of Chance?’, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 35 (4): 883–90. doi:10.1016/j.shpsa.2004.08.003

Minor Reviews

‘A J Cotnoir and Donald L M Baxter, eds., Composition as Identity’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94: 190–3. doi:10.1080/00048402.2015.1053954
‘Helen Steward, A Metaphysics for Freedom’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91: 833. doi:10.1080/00048402.2013.806565
‘D H Mellor, Probability: A Philosophical Introduction’, Mind 115: 773–7. doi:10.1093/mind/fzl773
‘Tim Maudlin, Truth and Paradox’, Philosophical Quarterly 56: 455–7. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9213.2006.00453.x
‘John Hawthorne, Knowledge and Lotteries’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 83: 451–2. doi:10.1080/00048400500192022


forall\(x\) Adelaide, ‘with’ P D Magnus and Tim Button. Free, open source textbook for introductory logic. Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license. [GitHub]
not ongoing
Elements of Deductive Logic, free, open source textbook for introductory-intermediate logic course. Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 license. [GitHub]
‘Philosophy and Probability’, Exeter College Association Register: 55–58. [link]

Recent Presentations

(¶=keynote, †=contributed, others invited)

June 2024
‘Against Advanced Temporalising’†, IAPT 9, Università della Svizzera italiana.
May 2024
‘Persistence and Humeanism’, Everything in its Place, University of Southern California
April 2024
‘Counterfactuals and Humean Laws’, Notre Dame.
‘Stakes and Standpoints’, DEX IX, UC Davis.
September 2023
‘Humean Laws in Context’, Dianoia Institute of Philosophy, ACU.
August 2023
‘Humean Laws and the Evaluation of Counterfactuals’†, European Congress of Analytic Philosophy ECAP 11, Vienna.
July 2023
‘Advanced Temporalising’†, IAPT 8, University of Sydney.
‘Vague Objects and Vague Parts’†, AAP, Dianoia Institute of Philosophy, ACU.
December 2022
‘Humean Laws: Stability, Undermining, and Context’†, NZAP 2022, Massey University.
Australasian Journal of Philosophy: Lessons from the past and prospects for the future’, Australasian Philosophy: Reflecting on the Past 100 years.
<!– August 2022
‘Humean Laws: Stability, Undermining, and Context’, Time and Causation, Centre for Time, University of Sydney. –> <!– November 2021
‘Randomness and Confirmation’†, PSA 2020/2021
December 2019
‘Location Relations’†, NZAP Auckland.
‘Appearance and the A-theory’, Time and Emergence, UWA.
July 2019
‘Rational Forgetting?’†, AAP Wollongong.
‘Endurance and the A-Theory’, Time and Other Matters workshop, University of Adelaide.
June 2019
‘What is Supendurance?’†, IAPT 6, Boulder, CO, USA.
November 2018
‘Can Structuralism Avoid Putnam’s Paradox?’, Structural Realism Meets Structural Representation workshop, University of Sydney.
July 2018
‘How Everything Is’†, AAP Wellington.
June 2018
‘How Everything Is’†, IAPT 5, Seoul, South Korea.
December 2017
‘Stakes and Standpoints’†, NZAP Otago.
July 2017
‘Quantum Location’†, AAP Adelaide.
presenter, Sydney Winter School on Physics and Philosophy of Time.
February 2017
‘Regionalism and Persistence’, FAU-Erlangen.
January 2017
‘Regionalism and Physical Qualities’, LEM forum, CeLL, Institute of hilosophy, London.
‘Quantum Location’, Philosophy of Physics seminar, University of xford.
‘Tense, Time, and Passage’, University of Reading.
‘Domesticating Metaphysical Indeterminacy’, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
November 2016
‘Supendurantism’, eidos, Université de Neuchâtel.
‘Temporalism and Relativity’, MCMP, LMU-München.
July 2016
‘Yablo on Confirmation’, About Aboutness workshop, University of elbourne.
‘Endurance and Spacetime’†, AAP Monash.
April 2016
‘Temporalism and Relativity’, University of Melbourne.
December 2015
‘Motion and Mereology in Margaret Cavendish’s Philosophical Letters’†, NZAP Massey.
July 2015
‘Settledness, Determinism, and Chance’, Determinism workshop, ANU.
June 2015
‘Tense, Relativity, and Experience’ From Here to Eternity: Temporal Experience and Transformation conference, Centre for Time, University of ydney.
December 2014
‘The Epistemic Significance of Agreement’†, NZAP Christchurch.
November 2014
‘Persistence, Vagueness, and Location’†, Australian Metaphysics onference, Kioloa.
‘Chance, Change, and Time Travel’ Time Travel and Probability workshop, Centre for Time, University of Sydney.
‘The Direction of Time’, Time, Agency and Causation conference, Centre or Time, University of Sydney.
July 2014
‘Domesticating Metaphysical Indeterminacy’†, AAP Canberra. –>

Prior to this, talks at: AAP† (multiple), Aberdeen, About Aboutness (Melbourne), ANU (multiple), Australian Metaphysics Conference† (multiple), Aristotelian Society, Arizona Ontology Conference, Auckland, Barcelona, Bristol, British Society for the Philosophy of Science, BSPS conference† (Sussex), Cambridge (Serious Metaphysics Group), Canterbury (NZ), Carolina Metaphysics Workshop, Causal Republicanism† (Centre for Time, Sydney), CRNAP Modality workship (Princeton), Determinism (ANU), FAU-Erlangen, Fictionalism (Manchester), From Here to Eternity: Temporal Experience and Transformation (Centre for Time, Sydney), Université de Genève, Hume’s Metaphysics and Humean Metaphysics (University of Tampere), IAPT 5 (Seoul), IAPT 6 (Boulder, CO), La Trobe, Leeds, Leeds HPS, LEM forum (Institute of Philosophy, London), Levels of Causation workshop (IHPST, Paris), London Logic & Metaphysics forum, LSE (Sigma Club), McGill, Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy (LMU-München), Melbourne, Metaphysics of Science¶ (Nottingham), Metaphysics of Science (Melbourne), Monash (twice), Nature of Indeterminacy workshop (Leeds), Notre Dame, Nottingham (thrice), NYU, NZAP† (multiple), Otago, Oxford, Oxford (Philosophy of Physics, twice), Paris Diderot (PhilMath Seminar), PERSP Space & Time Workshop on the Open Future (Barcelona), Philosophy and Probability International Summer School† (Konstanz), Philosophy of Probability Graduate Conference III¶ (LSE), Reading, Structural Realism Meets Structural Representation (Sydney), Sydney Winter School on Physics and Philosophy of Time 2017, Time, Agency and Causation (Centre for Time, Sydney), Time and Emergence (UWA), Time Symmetry (Centre for Time, Sydney), Time Travel and Probability (Centre for Time, Sydney), UIC, UMass Amherst, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Université de Neuchâtel, VUW, Williams College.


Primary supervisor except where noted.


Katherine Dormandy, Rationality: An Expansive Bayesian Theory, Oxford, DPhil, co-supervisor.
Barbara Vetter, Potentiality and Possibility, Oxford, DPhil, co-supervisor.
Luke Fenton-Glynn, A Probabilistic Analysis of Causation, Oxford, DPhil.


In progress
Aaron Baseley, An Investigation into Logical Pluralism, Adelaide, MPhil.
Anthony Bishop, Underdetermination and Theoretical Values, Adelaide, MPhil.
Mediatrice Dusabe, Voices Silenced: African Women and Epistemic Injustice in Australian Diasporic Communities, Adelaide, MPhil.
Brodie Manticos, Individuals, Identity and Structure: Do structuralist metaphysical accounts of individuals and identity make sense?, Adelaide. MPhil.
Jessica Pohlmann, Renewing a Modal Account of Existential Dependence: Upcycling Mackie’s INUS Condition for Causation, Adelaide, MPhil.
James Vlachoulis, A Defence of the B-Theory of Time with Respect to the Problem of Change, Adelaide, MPhil.
Danny Wardle, Opening a Can of Spacetime Worms: The Metaphysics of Persistence, Adelaide, MPhil.
Riley Harris, Normative Uncertainty and Information Value, Adelaide, MPhil.
Atheer Al-Khalfa, Donnellan’s Referential/Attributive Distinction, Adelaide, MPhil.
Brigitte Everett, Temporal Passage: Dynamic Experiences and the B-theory, Adelaide, MPhil.
Michael Lazarou, Vindicating Vague Objects, Adelaide, MPhil.
Rebecca Randell, Beyond Dualism: The Challenge for Feminist Theory, Adelaide, MPhil, co-supervisor.
Mark Coleman, Realist and Anti-Realist Approaches in Philosophy of Science: Perspective and Representational Pluralism in Scientific Discovery, Adelaide, MPhil, co-supervisor.
Seungil Lee, Restricted Material Composition, Oxford, BPhil.
Harjit Bhogal, Laws and Modelling in Economics, Oxford, BPhil.
Luke Fenton-Glynn, Causation and Causal Explanation, Oxford, BPhil.
John Poland, Dispositions and Laws of Nature, Oxford, BPhil.

Honours/Undergraduate Theses

Aaron Baseley, Inferentialism and Harmony, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
Tom Filsell, Essay on Temporal Ontology and Becoming, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
Samuel Parsons, The Ontology of Social Entities: A Set-Theoretic and Mereological Approach, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
Hamish Tynan, On Truth and Consequence, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
Jeffrey Nicholls, The Universe Conceived as Divine Mind, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
James Vlachoulis, An Investigation into the Consequences that Arguments in the Philosophy of Memory have for Debates within the Metaphysics of Time, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
Trevor Smith, Light Signals and Preferred Foliations: Presentism and the Relativistic Objections, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
Julia Mak, Fine’s Standard Realism as an A-Theory, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
Astrid Lane, Negative Causal Claims, Adelaide, BA (Hons).
Charlotte Lawrence, Structural Realism – a middle way?, Oxford, MPhysPhil.
Matthew Hodgetts, Mereological Nihlism, Oxford, BA.


University of Adelaide
University of Oxford
Exeter College
Princeton University
Tutorials in Philosophy of Physics: Quantum Mechanics (S 2001) and Introduction to Metaphysics and Epistemology (F 2000).
University of Melbourne
Tutorials for Introduction to Formal Logic and Logic and Rationality (Semester 1, 1999).

Professional Service

Editor-in-chief, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2022–. [AAP site]
Founding editor, Gavin David Young Lectures in Philosophy, 2024–.
Member of Editorial Board, Philosophical Exchange, 2024–.
Member of Editorial Board, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2010–22.
Member of Editorial Panel, Thought, 2012–.
Member of Editorial Committee, Oxford Philosophical Monographs, 2011–3.
Editor, ‘Chance and Determinism’ category, PhilPapers, 2009–.
Thesis Examining
University of Auckland (2014); University of Oxford (2010).
Three as external reviewer.
Conferences Organised
Space, Time, and Location conference, Adelaide, July 2023.
Time and Other Matters workshop, University of Adelaide, July 2019.
Member, organising committee, AAP 2017 (Adelaide).
Adelaide Philosophy Work in Progress Colloquium, University of Adelaide, February 2016.
Philosophy of Probability Mini Conference, Faculty of Philosophy, Oxford, September 2009.
Public Philosophy
Philosothon judging: SA 2019 (head judge), 2017; Australian 2018.
Australasian Association for Philosophy (AAP).
Aristotelian Society.
Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science.
Society for the Metaphysics of Science.
Treasurer, 2014–20.
Board/Council member, 2014–21.
Finance and Risk Committee, 2015–21; Chair 2015–20.
Executive, 2015–20.

Significant University Service

Adelaide University
Curriculum Quality Panel, Society and Culture Stream, 2024–.
Core course development team, Data Knowledges, 2024–25.
Program Design Group, Society and Culture Stream, 2023–24.
University of Adelaide
Associate Head (Teaching and Learning), School of Humanities, 2023–25.
Program Director, Bachelor of Philosophy, Politics and Economics, 2018–24.
Head of Department, Philosophy, 2018–20.
University of Oxford
Director of Graduate Admissions, 2010–12.
Member, Working Group on Strategic Planning, 2011–2.
Member, Graduate Studies Committee, 2009–12.
Member, First Year Review Group (review and revision of first year provision in all joint schools involving philosophy), 2008–10.
Member, Undergraduate Joint Consultative Committee, 2005–7.
Joint President of the Philosophical Society (speaker series), 2005–7.
Search committees, Pembroke College and Somerville College, 2005–06.
Graduate examining: BPhil options: Metaphysics and Epistemology (2005–07; 2008–11), BPhil theses (2005, 1 thesis; 2007, 2 theses; 2008, 2 theses; 2009, 2 theses; 2010, 1 thesis; 2011, 2 theses), MSt Theology theses (2011, 1 thesis).
Undergraduate examining: Examiner, PPE, 2011–14; Physics and Philosophy Mods 2009–10 (Chair, 2009); Mathematics and Philosophy Mods 2009–10; Psychology, Philosophy and Physiology, and Philosophy and Theology Prelims, 2005–07.
Exeter College, Oxford
Member of Rector and Tutors Committee, 2010–13.
Tutor for Graduates, 2010–11.
Member of IT committee and staff committee, 2008–10.
Philosophy (and joint schools) admissions interviewing, 2004–12 (Group organising secretary in PPE, 2009–10).
Member of governing body, 2004–13.