I am a philosopher based in Tarndanya/Adelaide (on Kaurna land) at the University of Adelaide, where I am also Associate Head (Learning and Teaching) of the School of Humanities. I am editor-in-chief of the Australasian Journal of Philosophy and founding editor of the Gavin David Young Lectures in Philosophy.
My research is mainly in ‘theoretical’ philosophy: metaphysics, epistemology and philosophy of science, philosophy of logic and language, philosophy of probability, and philosophy of physics. I teach in all these areas, and their early modern history (with a particular fondness for Hume and Cavendish), as well as philosophy of religion, decision theory, and philosophy of economics. I was founding program director of the Bachelor of Philosophy, Politics and Economics. I also have interests in feminist epistemology and philosophy of science, and am a member of the Fay Gale Centre for Research on Gender. I also supervise MPhil and PhD candidates, and have been privileged to work with some very talented people. Prospective applicants please see here for more information.
I am grateful to have been awarded grants to support my research from the ARC, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the AHRC, and the Whiting Foundation. I am currently (2020–24) chief investigator on an ARC Discovery Project entitled Everything in its Place on persistence and location.
Before coming to Adelaide, I taught in the Faculty of Philosophy at Oxford from 2004–13, where I was a fellow of Exeter College. I took my PhD at Princeton and I was an undergraduate at Melbourne.
With Lizzie Maughan I also parent all of the world’s Eagle-Maughans.
You can see some of my various profiles, academic and otherwise:
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Last updated: 2025-03-13 09:52:49 ACDT © 2011–25 by Antony Eagle Æ 🐜🦅