EagleLab is a regular meeting for postgraduate research and honours candidates who are working under my supervision. I expect candidates to attend regularly if they are not on leave. We meet during semester.
The format is flexible, but typically meetings run as a ‘journal club’, a reading group with no specific topical focus other than what members of the group are interested in discussing. Each meeting we would discuss a paper nominated by a member of the group, which will be pre-distributed and pre-read by all attendees before the session. The nominator will give a brief (≤15 mins) overview of the paper and its relevance to their research to kick off the discussion. Chosen papers should be relevant to the nominator’s research project.
Occasionally, members may wish to present some of their own work in progress for feedback. This option can be very useful for candidates nearing completion.
We are dormant in 2024 – hopefully back up and running in 2025!