God, Faith and Infinity » Lecture 8
I just endorsed something like this principle:
What about this (roughly) converse principle?
This seems incorrect in many cases.
The falsity of R>A provides an opening for theists and atheists alike. Perhaps those might be rationally believed, even in the absence of generally persuasive argument.
The French mathematician and theologian Blaise Pascal (1623–62) is even more pessimistic about persuasive arguments in §233 of his Pensées:
If there is a God, He is infinitely incomprehensible, since, having neither parts nor limits, He has no affinity to us. We are then incapable of knowing either what He is or if He is.…
‘God is, or He is not.’ But to which side shall we incline? Reason can decide nothing here. … according to reason, you can defend neither of the propositions. (Pascal 1670: 77)
On this view, we can’t know enough about God for reason to decide the question of his existence either way.
In such a case, perhaps the right response to such equal balance of reasons (i.e., equally weak) is to suspend judgment:
…because of the equipollence in the opposed objects and accounts, we come first to suspension of judgment. … By ‘equipollence’ we mean equality with regard to being convincing or unconvincing: none of the conflicting accounts takes precedence over any other as being more convincing. Suspension of judgment is a standstill of the intellect, owing to which we neither reject nor posit anything. (Sextus Empiricus 2000: I, 8–10)
So perhaps we should suspend judgment about whether to believe God exists or to believe God doesn’t exist: ‘The true course is not to wager at all’ (Pascal 1670: 77).
If reason can’t decide, one idea is that we are therefore allowed to do either.
Pascal doesn’t accept Anything Goes. He thinks that ‘you would be imprudent’ (Pascal 1670: 77) if you did not believe in God – that ‘you would still be right’ (Pascal 1670: 78) if you believe, but wrong if you do not.
According to Pascal, there is a standard of prudence that makes it rationally required to believe in God, even if the evidence doesn’t force it.
Thus, something other than persuasive argument contributes to rational belief formation – again, R>A is false.
If Descartes and others are right (Ginet 2001; Weatherson 2008), then we can simply decide to believe: to affirm or deny whatever proposition we consider.
Alternatively, we might be able to do something that conduces to belief: to do voluntary things that will have the foreseeable consequence that we will come to form a belief.
So for example you might be able to voluntarily change your epistemic environment – stop reading The Australian and start reading The Guardian, for example – and that might predictably change your beliefs as you are exposed to certain arguments and pieces of evidence that you wouldn’t have been exposed to otherwise.
Pascal seems to pretty clearly opt for the second route: for him, a reason to be someone who believes in God is a reason to change your epistemic environment in such a way as to naturally promote that belief:
You would like to attain faith and do not know the way; you would like to cure yourself of unbelief and ask the remedy for it. Learn of those who have been bound like you … who are cured of an ill of which you would be cured. Follow the way by which they began: by acting as if they believed, taking the holy water, having masses said, etc. Even this will naturally make you believe…. (Pascal 1670: 78)
Likewise, you could act in such a way as to naturally cause a belief that God doesn’t exist.
Let us call these behavioural options ‘Wager for God’, and ‘Wager against God’.
In this light, Pascal is arguing for the rationality of a certain kind of act: acting so as to end up in a particular state of belief.
So suppose I draw up a decision matrix as follows: I list my actions and the possible states of the world, which yield the possible outcomes (act/state pairs). The outcomes correspond to the cells; what’s written in the cell is the value I attach to that outcome.
Actions \ States | Café A is Crowded | Café A not Crowded |
Go to Café A | Bad | Good |
Go to Café B | OK | OK |
So I think it would be bad if this outcome came to pass: the state is that Café A is crowded and the act is I go to Café A.
No act dominates. So how do I decide?
To account for the probabilities of various act and state pairs, we calculate a quantity for each act called its expected utility, which results from weighing the value of each possible outcome of the act by its probability.
Where where the \(S_{i}\)s are states, \(\Pr\) is a probability function, and \(\mathrm{Val}\) records the value I assign to each outcome (combination of act and state): \[EU^{\star}(A) = \sum_{i} \mathrm{Val}(A \wedge S_{i})\Pr(S_{i}).\]
Having calculated expected utilities, the proposed decision rule is this:
I’m deciding whether to invest money in stocks or bonds. Stocks have higher potential returns and risk; bonds lower potential returns and risk. If the states of nature concern the unknown possibility of a crash, I may get this matrix:
Actions \ States | Crash | No Crash |
Invest in stocks | -7000 | +10000 |
Invest in bonds | -1000 | +3000 |
On the EU model, if I assign more than 54% confidence to a crash, I should go for bonds – otherwise stocks. E.g, if I am nervous and assign 70% probability to a new crash, the calculations look like this: \[\begin{aligned} EU^{\star}(\text{Stocks}) &= -7000\times 0.7 + 10000 \times 0.3 = -1900;\\ EU^{\star}(\text{Bonds}) &= -1000\times 0.7 + 3000 \times 0.3 = 200.\end{aligned}\]
Tanya and Cinque have been arrested for robbing the Hibernia Savings Bank and placed in separate isolation cells. Both care much more about their personal freedom than about the welfare of their accomplice. A clever prosecutor makes the following offer to each. “You may choose to confess or remain silent. If you confess and your accomplice remains silent I will drop all charges against you and use your testimony to ensure that your accomplice does serious time. Likewise, if your accomplice confesses while you remain silent, they will go free while you do the time. If you both confess I get two convictions, but I’ll see to it that you both get early parole. If you both remain silent, I’ll have to settle for token sentences on firearms possession charges. If you wish to confess, you must leave a note with the jailer before my return tomorrow morning. (Kuhn 2019)
Suppose we measure the value of outcomes by years in jail (these will be negative, since they are years of deprivation of liberty).
We model it from Tanya’s point of view – for her, Cinque’s behaviour is the unknown state of nature, and the payoffs are for Tanya (though symmetrical payoffs exist for Cinque).
Actions \ States | Cinque confesses | Cinque doesn’t confess |
Tanya confesses | -5 | 0 |
Tanya doesn’t confess | -10 | -1 |
Note that in this matrix, no matter what Cinque does, Tanya does better to confess – it dominates.
So she should confess! (And so should Cinque, for her parallel decision.)
Note that Tanya doesn’t do very well if she confesses and Cinque does too.
She can foresee that if each reasons as above, and takes the dominant option, they will both confess and do worse than if they both stay quiet.
However: surely cooperation (both staying quiet) is preferable to both confessing – and seems rational for the group, since the aggregate payoff is best if both stay quiet.
Can the pair avoid individual reasoning to this non-optimal joint outcome?
One idea: perhaps Tanya can reason to the rationality of not confessing:
Cinque has the same resources as me, and will reason in the same way. So if I conclude ‘confess’, chances are she will too; and if I conclude ‘don’t confess’, chances are she will too. So if I don’t confess, chances are she won’t either.
Suppose we assign these conditional probabilities as follows, in line with Tanya’s reasoning (these probabilities reflect Tanya’s views about how well Tanya’s action predicts Cinque’s action, which is the unknown state): \[\Pr(\text{C confess}\mid\text{T confess}) = \Pr(\text{C silent}\mid\text{T silent}).\]
Given the payoffs, so long as \(\Pr(\text{C confess}\mid\text{T confess})>\frac{5}{7}\), then Tanya should stay silent.
E.g., if Tanya is 80% confident that Cinque will act like her, then she ought to stay silent:
\[\begin{aligned} EU(\text{T confess}) &= -5\times 0.8 + 0 \times 0.2 = -4;\\ EU(\text{T silent}) &= -10\times 0.2 -1 \times 0.8 = -2.8. \end{aligned}\]
Pascal’s decision problem has two states of nature (‘God exists’, ‘God does not exist’), and two actions (‘Wager for God’, ‘Wager against God’), hence four outcomes.
One approach to this problem uses dominance:
Since you must choose, let us see what interests you least. You have two things to lose, the true and the good, and two things to stake, your reason and … your happiness; and your nature has two things to shun, error and misery. Your reason is no more shocked in choosing one rather than another…. But your happiness? Let us weigh the gain and the loss in wagering that God is. … If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation that He is. (Pascal 1670: 77)
Here is a decision matrix for Pascal’s first argument.
Actions \ States | God exists | God does not exist |
Wager for God | Gain all | lose nothing |
Wager against God | Misery | gain nothing |
We can see here that, on given these values for acts and outcomes, wagering for God dominates wagering against – it is better in every state of nature.
But surely this matrix doesn’t accurately reflect Pascal’s setup, since I want to shun error – I therefore lose something when I falsely believe God to exist.
A decision matrix reflecting the costs of error and the benefits of true belief:
Actions \ States | God exists | God does not exist |
Wager for God | Gain all | Small loss |
Wager against God | Misery | Small gain |
Now wagering for God no longer dominates (wagering against is better when God doesn’t exist). So if we are to make a decision here, we’re going to need to assign probabilities to states of nature.
Pascal seems to consider whether reason dictates ‘an equal risk of gain and of loss’, i.e., that the ‘right’ opinion assigns equal probability to each state. But his main argument doesn’t depend on a particular probability assignment.
Pascal makes clear that by ‘gain all’ he is serious:
there is here an infinite of an infinitely happy life to gain, a chance of gain against a finite number of chances of loss, and what you stake is finite. (Pascal 1670: 78)
This leads to a final decision matrix:
Actions \ States | God exists | God does not exist |
Wager for God | Infinite gain \(\infty\) | Finite loss \(f_{1}\) |
Wager against God | Large loss \(f_{2}\) | Finite gain \(f_{3}\) |
Suppose you assign some probability \(p\) to God’s existing. Then your expected utilities are:
\[\begin{aligned} EU(\text{Wager for}) &= p\times\infty + (1-p)\times f_{1} = \infty.\\ EU(\text{Wager against}) &= p\times f_{2}+(1-p)\times f_{3} < \infty.\end{aligned}\]
Applying our decision rule, Maximise EU, the action we have most reason to perform is to wager for God.
Conclusion: you should wager for God.
But we might also think that we need not assign a positive probability to God’s existence; and in that case, it is not rationally obligatory to wager for God. The confident atheist can remain content.
Some deny that one should never assign zero probability to any contingent hypothesis, arguing from this principle:
But Regularity is controversial, indeed many have argued it is untenable.
So – even – is not wagering for God:
The expected utility of not trying to believe in God is also infinite, since there’s (arguably) a non-zero probability that you will end up believing in God, even if you are not trying. (Monton 2011: 645)
Any mixed strategy that gives positive and finite probability to wagering for God will likewise have infinite expectation…
Suppose that you choose to ignore the Wager, and to go and have a hamburger instead. Still, you may well assign positive and finite probability to your winding up wagering for God nonetheless; and this probability multiplied by infinity again gives infinity. So ignoring the Wager and having a hamburger has the same expectation as outright wagering for God. Even worse, suppose that you focus all your energy into avoiding belief in God. Still, you may well assign positive and finite probability to your efforts failing, with the result that you wager for God nonetheless. In that case again, your expectation is infinite again. So even if rationality requires you to perform the act of maximum expected utility when there is one, here there isn’t one. Rather, there is a many-way tie for first place, as it were. All hell breaks loose: anything you might do is maximally good by expected utility lights! (Hájek 2018: §5.3)