Arguments from Design

God, Faith and Infinity » Lecture 3

The Argument from Design

Teleological Explanations

Teleological Arguments

Inference to the Best Explanation

(Organismic) Design Arguments as Teleological Arguments

Natural organisms and their environment display a high degree of internal complexity and suitability to each other.
The best explanation for complexity is that those organisms were designed, and for suitability, that they and their environment were designed for each other.
A designer exists. (D1, D2, inference to the best explanation)
No finite organism could have designed things of such complexity – ‘we were altogether incapable of executing such a piece of workmanship ourselves, or of understanding in what manner it was performed’ (Paley 1802: 4).
The designer is an infinite being, i.e., God. (DI, D3)

Paley’s Watch

In crossing a heath, suppose I pitched my foot against a stone, and were asked how the stone came to be there, I might possibly answer, that… it had lain there for ever…. But suppose I had found a watch upon the ground, and it should be enquired how the watch happened to be in that place, I should hardly think of the answer which I had before given…. Yet why should not this answer serve for the watch as well as for the stone? … For this reason, and for no other, viz. that, when we come to inspect the watch, we perceive (what we could not discover in the stone) that its several parts are framed and put together for a purpose, e.g. that they are so formed and adjusted as to produce motion, and that motion so regulated as to point out the hour of the day; … the inference, we think, is inevitable, that the watch must have had a maker: that there must have existed, at some time and at some place or other, an artificer or artificers who formed it for the purpose which we find it actually to answer; who comprehended its construction, and designed its use. (Paley 1802: 1–3)

Paley’s Application to Atheism

The ‘Inevitable Conclusion’

Other Explanations

Manufacturing and Reproduction

Paley on reproducing watches

Though it be now [once we find the reproductive capability] no longer probable that the individual watch which our observer had found was made immediately by the hand of an artificer, yet does not this alteration in anyway affect the inference that an artificer had been originally employed and concerned in the production. The argument from design remains as it was. … No one … can rationally believe that the insensible, inanimate watch, from which the watch before us issued, was the proper cause of the mechanism we so much admire in it… (Paley 1802: 11–13)

Criticisms of the Organismic Design Argument

Is the Inference Warranted?


The Power of the Evolutionary Explanation

Theistic Evolution: Response and Reply

Criticisms of Inference to the Best Explanation

The Likelihood Approach

Probability and Evidence

Probability Refresher

An Alternative Logical Structure for Paley’s Argument

The best version of the design argument, in my opinion, uses an inferential idea that probabilists call the likelihood principle (LP). This can be illustrated by way of Paley’s (1802) example of the watch on the heath. Paley describes an observation that he claims discriminates between two hypotheses:

O1: the watch has features \(G_{1}, \ldots, G_{n}\).
W1: the watch was created by an intelligent designer.
W2: the watch was produced by a mindless chance process.

Paley’s idea is that O1 would be unsurprising if W1 were true, but would be very surprising if W2 were true. This is supposed to show that O1 favours W1 over W2; O1 supports W1 more than it supports W2. (Sober 2003: 26)

The Likelihood Principle

Surprise is a matter of degree; it can be captured by the concept of conditional probability. The probability of observation (\(O\)) given hypothesis (\(H\)) – \(\Pr(O\mid H)\) – represents how unsurprising \(O\) would be if \(H\) were true. LP says that comparing such conditional probabilities is the way to decide what the direction is in which the evidence points:

Observation \(O\) supports hypothesis \(H_{1}\) more than it supports hypothesis \(H_{2}\) if and only if \(\Pr(O\mid H_{1})>\Pr(O\mid H_{2})\). (Sober 2003: 26–27)

The Likelihood Design Argument (LDA)

Natural organisms and their environment display a high degree of internal complexity and suitability to each other.
The probability of (D1) given that natural organisms were designed exceeds the probability of (D1) given that natural organisms obtained their features by ‘mindless chance’.
The evidence supports, or favours, the hypothesis that a designer exists over the rival hypothesis of mindless chance. (D1, L2, LP)
No finite organism could have designed things of such complexity – ‘we were altogether incapable of executing such a piece of workmanship ourselves, or of understanding in what manner it was performed’ (Paley 1802: 4).
The evidence supports the hypothesis of perfect designer, i.e., God, over the rival hypothesis of chance (LI, D3)

Likelihoods and Probabilities

Natural Selection Revisited

Are We Likely Given Design?

The Mysterious Designer

We are invited … to imagine a designer who is radically different from the human craftsmen [sic] we know about. But if this designer is so different, why are we so sure that he would build the vertebrate eye in the form in which we find it? (Sober 2003: 36–37)

Our judgments about what counts as a sign of intelligent design must be based on empirical information about what designers often do and what they rarely do. As of now, these judgments are based on our knowledge of human intelligence. The more our hypotheses about intelligent designers depart from the human case, the more in the dark we are as to what the ground rules are for inferring intelligent design. … The upshot of this point for Paley’s design argument is this: Design arguments for the existence of human (and human-like) watchmakers are often unproblematic; it is design arguments for the existence of God that leave us at sea. (Sober 2003: 38–39)


Theistic Responses to Design Arguments

Design of the World System

Fine-Tuning and Design

Assuming there is just the one universe, the fact that it is life-permitting is surprising. For this otherwise extremely improbable outcome of the big bang is more probable on the assumption that there is a cosmic designer, who might adjust the physical parameters to allow for the evolution of life. So the fine-tuning facts challenge us to question whether the big bang was merely an accident. (White 2000: 273)

Uncertainty About Process

The Bayesian Approach

What is Improbable About Fine-Tuning?

Is there any explanation needed?


Is Fine-Tuning a Brute Fact?

Ur-Probabilities and Your Probabilities

Two Arguments from Fine-Tuning for Design

‘A designer might prefer to bring about a universe which is inhabitable by other intelligent organisms, rather than a homogeneous cosmic soup’ (White 2000: 270)
So the probability that life evolves in our universe given a designer is relatively high. (FTD1)
The chance occurrence of ‘a single life-permitting universe is extremely improbable’ (from fine-tuning (White 2000: 262; see also Barnes 2020).)
So the probability that life evolves in our universe, given a designer, is higher than the probability that life evolves in our universe, given homogenous cosmic soup. (FTD2, FTD3)
So: that life has evolved in our universe supports a designer more than it supports cosmic soup. (FTD4, LP)
So: that life has evolved in our universe is evidence for a designer. (FTD4, Bayes)

Old Worries Return

Is the Bayesian Argument Valid?

The Multiverse

Resisting Design By Postulating the Multiverse

The Argument from Fine-Tuning for the Multiverse

‘if we suppose there are or have been very many universes, it is to be expected that eventually a life-permitting one will show up’ (White 2000: 262)
So the probability that life evolves, given that there are lots of universes, is relatively high. (FTM1)
‘a single life-permitting universe is extremely improbable’ (White 2000: 262) (from fine-tuning)
So the probability that life evolves, given that there are many universes, is higher than the probability that life evolves in our universe in the absence of other universes. (FTM2, FTD3)
So that life has evolved supports the multiverse more than it supports cosmic soup. (FTM4, LP)
So that life has evolved is evidence for the multiverse. (FTM4, Bayes)

The Total Evidence Requirement

The Inverse Gambler’s Fallacy

The Fallacy Applies to the Multiverse Argument

Disanalogy with Design Argument

The Spoiler Role for the Multiverse

on the assumption that our universe is just one of very many, the existence of a designer does not raise the probability that our universe should be life-permitting. For while we might suppose that a designer would create some intelligent life somewhere, there is little reason to suppose it would be here rather than in one of the many other universes. It is only on the assumption that there are no other options that we should expect a designer to fine-tune this universe for life. Given the existence of many universes, it is already probable that some universe will be fine-tuned; the Design hypothesis does not add to the probability that any particular universe will be fine-tuned. So the Multiple Universe hypothesis screens off the probabilistic link between the Design hypothesis and the fine-tuning data. Hence if we happened to know, on independent grounds, that there are many universes, the fine-tuning facts would give us little reason to question whether the big bang was an accident, and hence our knowledge of the existence of many universes would render the fine-tuning of our universe unsurprising. (White 2000: 273–74)

Final Evaluation

Brute Facts Revisited


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