Antony Eagle

Antony Eagle

Anonymous Grading


Higher education as a demanding environment

Controversial Explanations

Addressing Potential Disciplinary Hostility

Improving Classroom Practice


Anonymity and Fairness

Anonymous Assessment

Why Adopt Anonymous Assessment?

Why Anonymous Assessment?

  1. Fairness
  2. Accuracy
  3. Compliance

Fairness for students

Protection for Staff

Improved Validity

Better Compliance



  1. Unreliability
  2. ‘I want to see student’s work in the context of their growth over the semester’; relatedly, ‘I want to assess students, not assignments’
  3. ‘I think the idea of objective assignment “quality” is a construct, itself harming students. Anonymous grading reinforces it, and stops me from mitigating it’
  4. ‘What about students with disability accommodations or other needs that should be recognised in assessment?’


Assessing Students

Objective Standards

Special Circumstances


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